Activators of prosperity – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

Song: I have confidence in you.

Father me, forever you’ll father me…

Bless The Lord o my soul,
O o o o my soul,
Bless is His holy name….

Texts- Psalm 50:5 and Proverbs 11:24

We have discussed extensively the Abrahamic Covenant of blessing at one time this year.

As we end the year and we start to take stock of 2016 and plan for 2017, we need to know how to connect with that covenant and become wealthy. Otherwise, it would have been a futile effort to have studied the Abrahamic Covenant in the first place.

According to Deuteronomy 8:18

God has given you power to get wealth so that His covenant can be established. Established here means “founded and grounded financially so that no economic problems could ever uproot or overthrow the orderly operation of that covenant on the earth”.

God will never allow the state of the national or local economy to affect the operation of His church and chosen ministries. As far as God is concerned. His church must not be affected by the economic swings – good times, bad times, depression or recession, boom or burst.

Zechariah 1:17

But who makes up the church? You and I.

So, God has given every one of His children the power to get wealth so that they can be established financially to GENEROUSLY fund every need that arises for the operation of the covenant He made with Abraham.

So, wealth is given to the saints to PRIMARILY fund God’s kingdom on earth – the church and its operations to reach the less privileged, do crusades to win souls etc.

You should wonder why God gave the Israelites so much wealth when leaving Egypt to pass through the wilderness for about forty years. What would they need such wealth for in the wilderness? It was because God wanted them to use the wealth to build Him a sanctuary later on; which they did!

Once you are KINGDOM-MINDED, God will bless you abundantly so that ALL your needs are met too. And you lack NOTHING. Matthew 6:33.

So, how can we be kingdom-minded? The activators. These activators rest on a CATALYST called GIVING.

WITHOUT GIVING YOU CAN NEVER ACTIVATE THE COVENANT OF PROSPERITY. Luke 6:38; Galatians 6:7; Genesis 8:22.; 2 Corinthians 9:6. KJV. The message and amplified versions.

The activators.
1. PAYMENT OF TITHE. Malachi 3:8-12. Stanley Tams who wrote a book titled “God owns my business” gives 90% tithe and takes 10%. He became the richest man in his community.

Colgate toothpaste pays 30% of tithes.

When I was actively working and receiving salaries, my tithe was 30%. It’s back to 10% now; but as I trust God for increases and regular good income I want to get back to my 30%.

When you don’t pay your tithe, YOU CAN NEVER BE WEALTHY for two reasons.

1. God will not POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING. So, you will be struggling to make money. Men will not Favour you.

2. The devourer will also finish what you think you are saving by not paying tithe. There will be too much waste coming your way – cars will develop unnecessary faults, you cam fall sick or somebody close to you will be sick or your children and you keep spending unnecessary money.

Somebody say God forbid. But it’s up to us.

In our home we don’t visit hospitals. Even my aged mother that is 80 years old does not drain my money due to hospital expenses.

Tithing is an INSURANCE against waste.

2. FIRSTFRUITS. Proverbs 3:9, 10; Romans 11:16; Leviticus 23:10
Firstfruits are slightly different from tithe in that firstfruits are whole – THE FIRST OF WHAT you produce or earn.

See Nehemiah 10:35

So, if we take this then it is a year by year ordinance. It then means that you bring to God ALL THAT YOU FIRST EARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR.

It could be your first salary in January for those who earn salary or first earning from your business or the first profit from your business.

What that means is that, you are bringing all your salary in January to church on first sunday in February or all your profits for January or your first earnings as a business man to church on the first sunday in February.

You don’t have to bring cash you can bring cheques or do transfers to fresh hope account. Farmers are to bring the Firstfruits of their farms. But then you can also convert it to cash and bring on the first sunday in February.

But once done, it guarantees an unusual dimension of blessing like never throughout that year.

After the Firstfruits for January, you then go back to paying your 10% or more from February as you earn profit or salaries.

Hope its clear.

This is the secret behind the wealth of some churches that are doing extremely well. Where members are heavily wealthy.

It shall be our portion here too.

3. VOW. Job 22:27-29
A vow is a solemn promise made to God to perform or to abstain from performing a certain thing.

It is a powerful weapon against delay and longstanding issues.

A good example is Jacob’s breakaway from longstanding life of cheating, supplanting and servitude.

Genesis 28:10-22

Note verses 20 and 22

See also Psalm 50:14,15

4. PLEDGE. A pledge is a security given for future payment. Genesis 38:17-24. Not a good example though.

But let me say this, God is not willing that we take pledges that we cannot pay.

So, I prefer we don’t take pledges but rather post- date cheques and submit them to church or whenever you have money for that thing we are raising money for, bring it to church or pay into our account.

Reason – Numbers 30:2, Ecclesiastes 5:4-6

Same warning goes for vows too.

Let me give you an opportunity to reflect back on any pledge or vow you are yet to pay and ask that God blesses you to pay them.

There are some that are so far back that we can’t even remember again, come before the altar and let us beg God to forgive us and show us mercy by the blood of Jesus.

5. FREEWILL OFFERING. Leviticus 22:17-22; Exodus 35:29

It is a voluntary religious contribution made in addition to what may be expected or required.

That’s why we put this box out here.

It is not for pledge, vow. Normal offering or tithe – but for Freewill offering. It is there to give to God over and above all you have given – WILLINGLY. Anytime you are happy you just salute God and drop an offering.

It provokes God’s OVERJARA GRACE for you for uncommon accomplishments.


Offerings are also a part of worship. The Bible says honour The Lord with your substance (money or other materials). Proverbs 3:9.

In the New Testament, we hear Apostle Paul admonishing the people to keep by them in store offerings to give in church first day of the week.

Attitude to offering is what is important here so that we can get a reward for this service from God. 2 Corinthians 9:7, 2 Corinthians 8:7.

Three facts emerge here.
1. Give what you are happy to give from your heart. Not forcefully.
2. Abound in giving. Promote your giving.
3. Give yourself to God FIRST before your offering is acceptable to God.

7. GIVING TO THE POOR. Proverbs 19:17

Giving to the needy and the poor is a command. Because, the bible says the poor we will ALWAYS have in our midst.

That’s why we take welfare offerings.

Let us step it up.

Shall we pray?

Pray that you will be faithful in all these areas of giving in 2017 and the rest of your life.

Receive grace to give. Come against the spirit of stinginess.

The bible says there is that scattereth and increaseth. But there is that withhold etch more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty.

Pray that God will make you a giver.

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