LOOKING UP TO JESUS – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

1. My faith looks up to thee,
thou Lamb of Calvary,
Savior divine!
Now hear me while I pray,
take all my guilt away,
O let me from this day
be wholly thine!

2. May thy rich grace impart
strength to my fainting heart,
my zeal inspire!
As thou hast died for me,
O may my love to thee
pure, warm, and changeless be,
a living fire!

3. While life’s dark maze I tread,
and griefs around me spread,
be thou my guide;
bid darkness turn to day,
wipe sorrow’s tears away,
nor let me ever stray
from thee aside.

4. When ends life’s transient dream,
when death’s cold, sullen stream
shall o’er me roll;
blest Savior, then in love,
fear and distrust remove;
O bear me safe above,
a ransomed soul!

Text – Isaiah 45::22 – many translations.

Faith looks up not down.

Looking up to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith – Hebrews 12:1-3

For in him do all things consist. Colossians 1:12- 19

Looking up to the brazen serpent..Numbers 21:8,9

It takes grace to look up especially in the midst of several discouraging happenings around us – deaths, suicides, extreme lack, sorcery, witchcraft, manipulation, economic woes…..which all represent the storms of life

Peter looked around bc the storm was raging and began to sink. Matthew 14:25-31

But the Bible enjoins us not to look at the things which are seen…the troubles around, but the things which are not seen…..2 Corinthians 4:17

We need extraordinary grace not to look at the things which are seen….

That is why God positioned our eyes in the front so that we can look ahead and not look back or look around…..

For we walk by faith not by sight -2 Corinthians 5:7

Galatians 2:20 – see some translations (MSG, NLT, AMPLIFIED, GOODNEWS).

Only those who are dead to the flesh can really live full lives of faith…

Colossians 3:3 – we are hid in Christ in God. We can only see Jesus where we are hid. Only Jesus.

In Him we live, move and have our being….not outside him. Acts 17:28

Let us pray that we will receive the grace to walk by faith ALONE – our prescribed habitat. Fish cannot live outside water…..it will die! 

Loyalty in ministry – by PASTOR FOLAMI FAWEHINMI

The first thing I wld like to say to this August gathering is that loyalty is not TAUGHT. Loyalty is CAUGHT!!!!


The word “loyalty” has been abused in ministry.

What we hear is you have to be loyal to me.

“I am the one God ordained not you. So as Elisha was loyal to Elijah you must be loyal to me”. That is what we commonly hear.

It becomes a coercive loyalty at that point as opposed to influential loyalty.

The former is detrimental to success in ministry.

Definition of loyalty.
Steadfast in allegiance or duty

So, the issue for discourse today is : how do pastors engender the followers’ steadfast allegiance?

Before we fully delve into this matter, let us consider the following scriptures first.

Slogan for loyalty: Matthew 7:12 – do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

Esteem each other better than yourself. Philippians 2:3-11.

Seek the good of others. 1 Corinthians 10:24

The first thing we need to realize is that there is leadership vacuum in the world today. God was concerned so much about this that He made a proclamation in
Ezekiel 22:30 of looking for a man…but found none!

In Isaiah He was again on the look out for a leader to send. Thank God this time around Prophet Isaiah quickly bailed out mankind! Isaiah 6:8.

Such is the dearth of leadership.

Unfortunately, God will always need leaders who will be the extension of His hand on earth. Till now, His eyes are still searching to and fro the earth seeking for ready and willing leaders. The problem is that, the qualifications for the vessels God uses in His kingdom are tougher than what obtains in worldly leadership. Brother Gbile Akanni once made a very pointed but very remarkable statement on recruitment for Godly leaders. He said in God’s army, there is nothing like “an emergency sanctification”. One that is quickly put together to usher a man into leadership position. He went on to say that neither does God follow human criteria such as good looks, physique, and academic acumen, but a good heart. To him a good heart will comprise of the following virtues:
– integrity
– honesty
– blamelessness and
– purity.

An example here is David who was referred to as “a man after God’s heart”.

How God picked David as a leader is also instructive. Let us look at 1 Samuel 13:14 to see what God had to do to pick Hs leader and particularly, what was uppermost in His criteria before he was chosen …”the Lord hath sought Him a man after His own heart, and The Lord hath commanded him to be captain over Hs people…”

The expectation of God of His leaders is that they should be CAPTAIN over His people. The leader must not be a dwarf. He must challenge himself to grow DAILY. Otherwise, he will engender followership familiarity occasioned by stagnant growth in grace, in knowledge, in purity and in power.

Leadership is a high call.

Before we leave this overview, let us consider how Jesus exemplified leadership and what he expects his leaders to do.

Matthew 4:17-19

Jesus said to them follow me and I will MAKE you.

There is a following and there is a making.

Leadership is about turning men to who God wants them to be. Psalm 23:1,2.

Until there is a making you have not led! So if I am leading I must be producing changes in the followers.

The prodigal son came back home to be made something. Luke 15:17-19.

Transforming them into something better is the goal of leadership. Not just about producing result.

So, I submit that what God expects from His leaders is TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP.

Hear how Laurie Beth Jones summarized Jesus’ leadership prowess:
“One person trained twelve human beings who went on to so influence the world that time itself is now recorded as being before (B.C) or after (A.D) his existence.”

“This person worked with a staff that was totally human and not divine…..a staff that in spite of illiteracy, questionable backgrounds, fractious feelings and momentary cowardice went on to accomplish the tasks he trained them to do. They did this for one main reason – to be with him again” ACTS 4:13.

This was influence at work. They would want to be with him again and again. Do you command this kind of followership by influence?

Ponder on this.

To be a great leader, you can’t but be laden with emotional intelligence. Jesus was a master in this. Emotional intelligence is a great virtue that we all need to imbibe in order to have committed and great followers. A leader needs increased EQ – Emotional intelligence Quotient to do well in leading the people.

Simply put, Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. The four skills needed to do well in EI are:
1. Self awareness – the ability to identify your own emotions and know what makes you tick.
2. Self management – the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving. Putting your momentary needs on hold to pursue larger and more important goals.
3. Social awareness – the ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is going on with them.
4. Relationship management – this taps into your abilities in the first three emotional intelligence skills. It is your ability to use your awareness of your emotions and that of others to manage interactions successfully.

Hear this amazing discovery: people with the highest levels of IQ outperform those with average IQs just 20% of the time; while people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70% of the time. This anomaly shows that high IQ is not always the source of success. The discovery of EQ or EI served as the missing link in this rather confusing find. According to Travis brad berry & Jean Greaves; scientists realized that there must be another variable that explained success above and beyond one’s IQ. The critical factor discovered is Emotional Intelligence EQ.

Thus, emotional intelligence goes far beyond empathy. Empathy is putting your feet in the shoes of others in order to feel what they feel and thereby be more tolerable in handling their plights.

Jesus demonstrated emotional intelligence so many times. His EQ mastery can be summarized into 3 parts :
– strength of self mastery – he said “I Am”, he stuck to his mission, he believed in himself, he had internal anchors, he felt a sense of destiny, he is keenly aware of his resources amongst others.

– strength of action – he saw everything as being alive, he had a plan, he saw things differently, he formed a team. He was bold, he took one step at a time, he took the long view amongst others.

– strength of relationships – he gave them a vision of something larger than themselves, he beheld them, he was open to people and their ideas, he treated them as equals, he spent lots of time with them. He loved them, he defended them, he acknowledged in public and in private, he believed in them amongst others.

The summary of his EI mastery is as encapsulated in John 15:15-17. He said I no longer call you servants but friends. That is the height of emotional intelligence. Friends pour into each others emotional bank account.

True friends don’t hurt each other. True friends are loyal to one another.



Matthew 25:14-30

Successful leaders believe in accountability.

When I say, “Leaders hold people accountable,” who comes to mind? Followers right?


Authentic leaders think of themselves, as well as others, when they think of accountability.

Authority without accountability is abuse.

Accountability begins with leaders, not Followers. If you want accountability from others, become accountable to others.

After you become accountable, expect accountability.

Reality about accountability:
You might try to impose accountability, but you can’t buy or force it. Accountability that elevates performance is freely embraced. Anything other than a person holding themself accountable is de-motivating coercion.

“Go into every interaction with those who work for you believing that you are as accountable to them for your performance as they are to you for their performance.” Jim Whitehurst, CEO of Red Hat

Leaders are accountable to followers for the following:
– Attach their job to the broader mission of the company.
– Explain how their job fulfills strategy.
– How people interact.

Additional ways leaders can be accountable to followers:

Every employee would leap for joy if they heard their leader or manager say, “I’m accountable to you for my listening behaviors.”

Create environments where people can bring out their best.

One-way accountability is arrogant. Mutual accountability is the rave of the moment.

The atmosphere of faith – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

For a plant to grow well, it requires a conducive and convivial atmosphere – good air, good rain, good sunlight, absence of weeds. Etc…

For faith to grow and become a colossus, there is an environment that makes it thrive.

Luke 17:1-5

The punch line there is vrs 5.

But there was a discussion up to that point.

So, faith will be choked in an atmosphere of hatred, offense and rancour.

But these are common things that have almost become norms. Hence, the exclamation by the apostles…..haaaa, lord increase our faith!

Clearly therefore, faith is stunted in this kind of atmosphere.

Hebrews 4:1-6; 5:1

Another toxic atmosphere for the growth of faith is an atmosphere riddled by unbelief.

Impediments to entering into God’s rest :
– hardening of heart
– not knowing His ways
– a wicked heart with wrong motives
– lack of reverence or Godly fear.

If belief is fundamental to Godly rest, then we must quit two major fuel of unbelief:
– worry – Matthew 6:25-33
– anxiety – Philippians 4:6

Having done these, then we should accept Jesus’ invitation – Matthew 11:28-30.

One very conducive atmosphere for faith to thrive is love – an atmosphere of love.

It stands to reason though, as the opposite of hatred is love.

Galatians 5:6

Yet another great atmosphere for thriving faith is joy – an atmosphere of joy and inspiration.

When your joy tank is ebbing or getting low. Re-fill it DELIBERATELY.

David has learnt how to do that masterfully. He rejoices in The Lord.

Let us pray that The Lord will help us to create the atmosphere for faith to thrive in our hearts and thus believe Him for anything.

Can we now exercise our faith on Psalm 2:8? For us individually and for FHIM .

GREATER WORKS………Pst Folami Fawehinmi

What did John say in Matthew 3:11?

What did Jesus say in confirmation of what John said in Luke 12:49?

Friends, we become living dead without fire!!!!

Receive that fire NOW!!!!


If Jesus could talk like this, I wonder what else we are to do that He did not do.- he healed, delivered, supplied, blessed, cursed, brought money out of the fish mouth, raised the dead……

The revelation I got from that statement is that WHATEVER YOU CAN IMAGINE AS DONE beyond what Jesus did shall be done.

For example, you can actually command physical mountain on your land to vanish and it will happen!

So, this greater works will be hinged on how far u can imagine, envision or dream. These are the language of the spirit.

The story of Elisha that took over from Elijah and did greater works and greater miracles. 2 Kings 2:1-10

The story of Paul that did greater works than Peter…..

The story of David that did greater works than Saul…..

The glory of the latter house shall surpass the former…..

This is what the new anointing shall usher FHIM into…..

Zechariah 2:1-5

Tell your neighbour -get ready for this great move of the Holy Spirit.

Unprecedented in our days.

A replica of Joel 2:3-11.

God spoke to my heart strongly that soon and very soon the fortification of men shall begin to fail them. Their gods and deities and juju that they trusted shall begin to fail them massively.

Their ONLY hope will be Jesus Christ. For in the day of His power His people shall be willing.

And FHIM shall be the recipient and beneficiaries of this great harvest of souls.

I nfact, God showed me a vision of FHIM using a low altitude helicopter or drone to preach to the people because of the MULTITUDE jam pack on the roads and venues of our programmes and meetings.

That is why the generals are retiring now to pave way for our emergence.


I cannot wait. What about you?

It will be heaven on earth.

Now hear this: this new anointing coming upon us as a people and ministry will make you active. It is not for sitting down.

Watch this: Acts 10:38

When it landed on Jesus he couldn’t contain it sitting! No sir!

The anointing propelled him…..He WENT ABOUT…..doing good…..preaching, healing, delivering and raising the dead.

Let that dimension of anointing …..yea greater dimension fall on you now!

On your streets, in your communities, in your place of work or businesses every where you go or you are, you become a mobile church…….healing the sick, raising the dead and deadly blows upon the enemies.

It will be an awesome re-awakening like never. Get ready!

Your shadows shall heal.

Your voice shall heal.

Your presence shall heal.

Your breath shall heal.

Get ready!!!

Soon all the great works you have heard of or seen shall pale into insignificance in the light of what God will be doing thru us at FHIM.

Get ready! Clean your vessels. Make your body, soul and spirit habitable for the Holy Spirit and crave his power and anointing and watch what happens next.

Shall we pray?

Father, I am ready to manifest this new anointing. Release grace upon me now, to step out of my cocoon of timidity, fear and inertia. Pray!

Receive the fire of the Holy Ghost now!

Let it burn!!!!

MY LAZARUS MUST COME FORTH!!!! – Pst Folami Fawehinmi

John 11:38-45

We are going to be praying very extensively that our Lazarus must come forth.

Let us look at what Lazarus represents and that will help us to appreciate how to pray.

1. Lazarus was the only male child in his family. That was significant to perpetuate the name of the family or the family patrimony.
2. Lazarus represented the strength of the family.
3. Lazarus was the beloved of The Lord Jesus. Jesus wept for him too.
4. Lazarus represented a glowing destiny. He was a great disciple of Jesus.

Now, imagine all these great virtues dying….

Imagine your Lazarus dead and stinking!

Some lives are undesirable now, bc your Lazarus – your quintessential part, is dead and stinking!

Remember, this Lazarus is your quintessential part.

It is what makes you who you are.

It is your glory.

It is your strength.

Your glowing destiny.

What will you do if you have the opportunity to raise this your dead Lazarus?

The coming back of Lazarus was very significant to the fame of Jesus. Those who didn’t believe now believed. Vr 45.

Lazarus’ resurrection was the greatest miracle recorded by jesus.

If you can pray that your Lazarus should resurrect, then your greatest miracle is ahead of you, not behind you.

We r going to pray now.

Remember, even Jesus had to cry with a loud voice before Lazarus could come forth.

You will do no less to bring forth your Lazarus.

Are we ready to pray now?

A song….Miracle worker, miracle worker,
Come and do ur miracle,
miracle today….

Destiny changer, destiny changer,
Come and change my
destiny today….

1. I command the stone rolled over my destiny, shutting my glowing destiny in to be removed now by the resurrection power of The Lord Jesus Christ.

2. My Father, my father. Let that which hinders me from greatness begin to give way now, in the name of Jesus.

3. My father, let all my imprisoned potential and buried glories, come forth now by fire, in Jesus name!

4. Oh God, oh God, let every negative transaction, currently affecting my life negatively be cancelled and nullified by the blood of Jesus


Let me show you the scriptures that back up this covenant of our living till at least 94 years.

– Psalm 91:16
– Isaiah 65:19-22
– Genesis 25:8
– Numbers 33:39
– Psalm 92:12-15

We are not to take these for granted. But the KNOWLEDGE of this covenant and the fact that in FHIM we actually skinned this covenant with God goes a very long way in separating us from other ministries who didn’t take this DELIBERATE action.

Let me tell you how.

How many of us were in church when our sister Gift shared a testimony of how she survived death when they told her point blank she would die? She said she remembered this covenant and refused to die! Same with sister darling. When she faced death. And many others have shared testimonies here recalling their escapes based on this covenant.

Some who don’t have this covenant would have easily given in to death when faced with such situations.

So this knowledge is good for us.

However, we need to know that every covenant has two parts to it: The Token and The instructions to follow.

The tokens are usually sacrificial in nature more or less represented by blood to activate the covenant.
The instructions are less sacrificial but are set of rules to follow to enjoy the covenant blessings.

E.g Ephesians 6:2-3

Is this clear?

What does The Lord require of us?
– Deuteronomy 4:40
– Micah 6:8

There are rules to be followed

Eg Job who instructed his eyes not to dwell on a maid. Samson was not to drink strong drink. Jonah was to go to Nineveh. Etc. instructions!

Every action has a consequence. When u choose an action you choose the consequence.

That we are under the covenant of longevity does not permit reckless behaviour or reckless living.

– Nobody is permitted for example, to pack into a house not dedicated or start building a house we didn’t pray on the foundation first.
– Nobody is permitted to pick any spouse and marry without our sanction and rules. Or sleep with the spouse or opposite sex you are not married to.
– Nobody is permitted to just travel anyhow and anywhere without permission or prayer cover.
– Nobody should engage in unnecessary fight for inheritance without us judging the case first and giving instructions on what to do.
– We are not to be careless with our health or go against medical advice in the name of faith.
– Whatever dreams or concerns anyone has that is adverse should be brought immediately to our knowledge. And I must be informed within 24 hours.
– We r to also keep the law of tithing which REBUKES DEVOURER and keeps sicknesses away.

I skinned the covenant of longevity with our God and I am paying the required token. That’s btw me and Him. But I did it on behalf of all of us – young and old under this commission. However, you all have to live by the rules of God and by instructions that we give from the pulpit.

2 Chronicles 20:20

Moses had to read the instructions to the children to partake of the exemption during the Passover.

But whoever breaks the rule breaks the edge and the serpent will bite. That person is on his or her own. God is still faithful to His covenant. Ecclesiastes 10:8

Let us read 2 Chronicles 21:1-end.

Exodus 19:5

All thru the journey from Egypt through the wilderness, God was dishing out instructions thru moses. Why do this when He is God and He could still protect and deliver them anyway even if they refused to follow instructions? God does not operate that way. He operates by Instructions. Eg Exodus 14:2.

Concerning the Passover in Exodus 12, verses 1-12 are the instructions to follow and verse 13 shows the token of the covenant – the blood on the lintel.

On your behalf and my behalf, I have paid and still paying the token, your own is to follow the instructions. Finish.

May God release the grace for obedience upon us.

Let us pray.


Happy day, Happy day,
when jesus washed my sins away.
He taught me how,
To watch and pray,
And live rejoicing everyday,
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.

Jeeeeeeeeeesus, jeeeeeeeeeesus!
Your name is a miracle,
Your name is a comforter,
Your name is a mighty God,

At the mention of your name,
Every knee shall bow,
At the mention of your name,
Every tongue confess,
That you r God
You r king of kings,
You r lord,
You are lord of lords,…

Texts: Genesis 8:22
Ecclesiastes 11:6
Philippians 4:6

Today is Christmas and I wish you all a merry Christmas.

On a day like this, we are reminded of the power of giving.

And it is no coincidence at all that its our month of financial Favour and harvest.

We have been taught that the major CATALYST to PROSPERITY is GIVING.

God knew this as a fundamental principle that He practiced it first. He is a giving God. He prepared all we would need to thrive first before creating man.

He then went on to give us the GRANDEST gift of all – His ONLY begotten son Jesus Christ.

John 3:16 summarizes it.

The ONE reason Jesus was born was to come and DIE!

Isn’t it strange that a man was born to die?

But for a good reason: that we may be reconciled back to God.

And with that we can now have ACCESS to all things.

Romans 8:32

Today is reminiscent of what God did to humanity. He gave us Jesus to pay for our sins. If there is no Christmas, there will be no Easter!

He, God released jesus to humanity as a first fruit. So, that, He God can have many harvest from it,

God is a great giver. And we can rest in Him to give us all things. 2 Peter 1:3.

His son Jesus came also to teach us how to be great givers like His father.

Jesus constantly urged us to give:
– he told us to give to all who ask – Luke 6:30
– he told us that freely we have received, freely we should give – Matthew 10:8
– he taught us to give the people food – Luke 9:13
– he taught “give and it shall be given unto you……” – Luke 6:38
– he urged us to give to the poor – Mark 14:7

He lived a lifestyle of giving – John 10:10

Why give?
1. Your gift will prosper you. Proverbs 17:8.
2. Your gift will position you before great men. Proverbs 18:16
3. Your gifts will bring you friends. Proverbs 19:6
4. Your gift will stop anger that is focused against you. Proverbs 21:14.

Let me round up on this note:



Its not too late now to start giving tithe, Firstfruits, vow, pledges. Offerings. Gifts to the poor and Freewill offerings.

Let us pray.

O God baptize me with a giving grace that will help me create my enviable future.

Activators of prosperity – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

Song: I have confidence in you.

Father me, forever you’ll father me…

Bless The Lord o my soul,
O o o o my soul,
Bless is His holy name….

Texts- Psalm 50:5 and Proverbs 11:24

We have discussed extensively the Abrahamic Covenant of blessing at one time this year.

As we end the year and we start to take stock of 2016 and plan for 2017, we need to know how to connect with that covenant and become wealthy. Otherwise, it would have been a futile effort to have studied the Abrahamic Covenant in the first place.

According to Deuteronomy 8:18

God has given you power to get wealth so that His covenant can be established. Established here means “founded and grounded financially so that no economic problems could ever uproot or overthrow the orderly operation of that covenant on the earth”.

God will never allow the state of the national or local economy to affect the operation of His church and chosen ministries. As far as God is concerned. His church must not be affected by the economic swings – good times, bad times, depression or recession, boom or burst.

Zechariah 1:17

But who makes up the church? You and I.

So, God has given every one of His children the power to get wealth so that they can be established financially to GENEROUSLY fund every need that arises for the operation of the covenant He made with Abraham.

So, wealth is given to the saints to PRIMARILY fund God’s kingdom on earth – the church and its operations to reach the less privileged, do crusades to win souls etc.

You should wonder why God gave the Israelites so much wealth when leaving Egypt to pass through the wilderness for about forty years. What would they need such wealth for in the wilderness? It was because God wanted them to use the wealth to build Him a sanctuary later on; which they did!

Once you are KINGDOM-MINDED, God will bless you abundantly so that ALL your needs are met too. And you lack NOTHING. Matthew 6:33.

So, how can we be kingdom-minded? The activators. These activators rest on a CATALYST called GIVING.

WITHOUT GIVING YOU CAN NEVER ACTIVATE THE COVENANT OF PROSPERITY. Luke 6:38; Galatians 6:7; Genesis 8:22.; 2 Corinthians 9:6. KJV. The message and amplified versions.

The activators.
1. PAYMENT OF TITHE. Malachi 3:8-12. Stanley Tams who wrote a book titled “God owns my business” gives 90% tithe and takes 10%. He became the richest man in his community.

Colgate toothpaste pays 30% of tithes.

When I was actively working and receiving salaries, my tithe was 30%. It’s back to 10% now; but as I trust God for increases and regular good income I want to get back to my 30%.

When you don’t pay your tithe, YOU CAN NEVER BE WEALTHY for two reasons.

1. God will not POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING. So, you will be struggling to make money. Men will not Favour you.

2. The devourer will also finish what you think you are saving by not paying tithe. There will be too much waste coming your way – cars will develop unnecessary faults, you cam fall sick or somebody close to you will be sick or your children and you keep spending unnecessary money.

Somebody say God forbid. But it’s up to us.

In our home we don’t visit hospitals. Even my aged mother that is 80 years old does not drain my money due to hospital expenses.

Tithing is an INSURANCE against waste.

2. FIRSTFRUITS. Proverbs 3:9, 10; Romans 11:16; Leviticus 23:10
Firstfruits are slightly different from tithe in that firstfruits are whole – THE FIRST OF WHAT you produce or earn.

See Nehemiah 10:35

So, if we take this then it is a year by year ordinance. It then means that you bring to God ALL THAT YOU FIRST EARNED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR.

It could be your first salary in January for those who earn salary or first earning from your business or the first profit from your business.

What that means is that, you are bringing all your salary in January to church on first sunday in February or all your profits for January or your first earnings as a business man to church on the first sunday in February.

You don’t have to bring cash you can bring cheques or do transfers to fresh hope account. Farmers are to bring the Firstfruits of their farms. But then you can also convert it to cash and bring on the first sunday in February.

But once done, it guarantees an unusual dimension of blessing like never throughout that year.

After the Firstfruits for January, you then go back to paying your 10% or more from February as you earn profit or salaries.

Hope its clear.

This is the secret behind the wealth of some churches that are doing extremely well. Where members are heavily wealthy.

It shall be our portion here too.

3. VOW. Job 22:27-29
A vow is a solemn promise made to God to perform or to abstain from performing a certain thing.

It is a powerful weapon against delay and longstanding issues.

A good example is Jacob’s breakaway from longstanding life of cheating, supplanting and servitude.

Genesis 28:10-22

Note verses 20 and 22

See also Psalm 50:14,15

4. PLEDGE. A pledge is a security given for future payment. Genesis 38:17-24. Not a good example though.

But let me say this, God is not willing that we take pledges that we cannot pay.

So, I prefer we don’t take pledges but rather post- date cheques and submit them to church or whenever you have money for that thing we are raising money for, bring it to church or pay into our account.

Reason – Numbers 30:2, Ecclesiastes 5:4-6

Same warning goes for vows too.

Let me give you an opportunity to reflect back on any pledge or vow you are yet to pay and ask that God blesses you to pay them.

There are some that are so far back that we can’t even remember again, come before the altar and let us beg God to forgive us and show us mercy by the blood of Jesus.

5. FREEWILL OFFERING. Leviticus 22:17-22; Exodus 35:29

It is a voluntary religious contribution made in addition to what may be expected or required.

That’s why we put this box out here.

It is not for pledge, vow. Normal offering or tithe – but for Freewill offering. It is there to give to God over and above all you have given – WILLINGLY. Anytime you are happy you just salute God and drop an offering.

It provokes God’s OVERJARA GRACE for you for uncommon accomplishments.


Offerings are also a part of worship. The Bible says honour The Lord with your substance (money or other materials). Proverbs 3:9.

In the New Testament, we hear Apostle Paul admonishing the people to keep by them in store offerings to give in church first day of the week.

Attitude to offering is what is important here so that we can get a reward for this service from God. 2 Corinthians 9:7, 2 Corinthians 8:7.

Three facts emerge here.
1. Give what you are happy to give from your heart. Not forcefully.
2. Abound in giving. Promote your giving.
3. Give yourself to God FIRST before your offering is acceptable to God.

7. GIVING TO THE POOR. Proverbs 19:17

Giving to the needy and the poor is a command. Because, the bible says the poor we will ALWAYS have in our midst.

That’s why we take welfare offerings.

Let us step it up.

Shall we pray?

Pray that you will be faithful in all these areas of giving in 2017 and the rest of your life.

Receive grace to give. Come against the spirit of stinginess.

The bible says there is that scattereth and increaseth. But there is that withhold etch more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty.

Pray that God will make you a giver.

JUST LET THAT HAND REST ON YOU – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

Lord, you are so good, blessed be your name,
In heaven you r The Lord,
On earth you reigneth forever,
Oh lord how great thou art,
Blessed be your name.

I need you, o I need you,
Every hour I need you,
Oh bless me now my saviour I come to thee….

Text : 1 Kings 18:41-46

Ask your neighbour: whose hand is upon you?

The hand that rests on you determines how far you go and what you become in life.

There are hands and there are hands. But if its the hand of God that rests on you. You are made.

Tell your neighbour – “Neighbour, just let that hand rest on you”

Tell 5 more people.

It is not a sin to want to become all that God has designed you to become. But the achievement of that goal or pursuit rests squarely on whose hand is resting on you.

The truth is that everyone has one hand or the other being laid on him. It is either for:
good or for bad, or
for speed or retardation, or
for breakthrough or breakdown, or
for progress or stagnation, or
for increase or decrease, or
for promotion or demotion,
for captivity or freedom, or
for failure or success, or
for trouble or peace.

The hand may be visible or invisible, but the manifestation shows which one has been laid upon you.

Hear me, a no of times. It is the manifestation that reveal which hand is resting on you.

When you look at your life, and you cannot really place a finger on notable achievement then know of a surety that you are operating under a cursed hand.

You are under tribute or a yoke.


Your life, after this meeting will SUDDENLY take a new turn.

There is someone here, you have never really been favored before. Nobody has looked at you to help, assist or carry your burden for you – you do all by yourself. Today is your day of delivery.

Come out if you are here.

Most places in scripture we hear the phrase “….the hand of The Lord was upon me…….” Eg Ezekiel 37:1 etc

See Jesus’ own in Isaiah 61:1. No wonder his exploits were unparalleled.

It’s ur turn.

Usually, when this happens it is usually for very spectacular events.

Be careful of the hand that rests on you.

Rev Awe’s story about that child that cried non- stop for seven days is rife here.

The hand that rests on you matters.

Some hands may not be demonic but they are unimpactful hands. They are neutral – neither cold nor hot. These are also not desirable hands.

I am not too interested in the effect of satanic hands laid on people that can lead to nothing good. Rather, I want to point to you the hand that you should pray and crave to rest on you.

Let us examine some hands that are good.

1. Moses’ hand upon Joshua – Deuteronomy 34:9. If moses’ hand upon Joshua produced such tremendous impact, how much more tremendous will God’s hand be upon you?
2. Jacob’s hand upon Ephraim and Manasseh – Genesis 48:13, 14, 17-19
3. Paul’s hand on Timothy.
4. Zerubabbel’s hands – Zechariah 4:9

Let us now look at the ULTIMATE hand that we need more than all.

The hand of God – At His right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
– Psalm 63:8
– Acts 11:21
– Psalm 89:13
– Psalm 95:4
– Isaiah 41:19-20

In the hand of God, impossible becomes possible.
Little becomes much.
Reproach and shame turn to honour and fame.
Barrenness turns to fruitfulness.
Mourning turns to dancing.
Weeping turns to laughter.
Sorrow turns to joy.


Now let us come back to our text as I tie things up:
– 1 Kings 18:41-46


You haven’t seen SPEED yet. But you will soon see MYSTERIOUS SPEED – the one that baffles understanding and which cannot be explained.

It may seem so long and difficult in coming…..but it shall come anyways!

For he that will come will come. And he will not tarry.

Isaiah 35:4 – God is on the way to put things right. The MSG VERSION.

Let me stand in my office to repudiate whatever evil hand that has been guiding your destiny up till this point – making you a non- entity and misfit in the society.


Every hand that has made me to remain like this – a derision to my lineage. Catch fire now in jesus name!

Every evil hand limiting my horizon in life be roasted now by the fire of the Holy Spirit in jesus name!

Every evil embargo placed upon me causing me to remain stagnant in life, be destroyed now in jesus name!

From today, let the hand of God rest on me for good, for uncommon speed, for fruitfulness, for prosperity….in jesus name!

Taking your place in destiny – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

There is somebody here, God says He is giving you a change of garment.

Why do we pray at all? Because prayer changes things.

The story of Dan Crawford a missionary will interest you.

He was returning to his mission field and it was necessary for him to cross a deep stream and there was no boat to use. So he and his people camped and prayed. As they prayed, a tall tree near the stream began to totter and fall. It fell right across the stream! The royal engineers of heaven had laid a bridge for God’stime servants.

Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for our God to do.

Hear me, on this mountain, you will take delivery of your destiny by fire by force!


– Saul – 1 Samuel 9:1-21

– Moses – Exodus 3:1-11

– David – 1 Samuel 16:1-13

– Joseph – Genesis 37:1-11

– Gideon – Judges 6:11-16

– Jephthah – Judges 11:1-11

From the examples of men who grabbed their destinies as shown above, what lessons are to be learnt?

Saul – an errand that he did not refuse, brought him to kingship.
– prayer: May God order my steps aright, to my prepared place of blessing and destiny.

Moses – upon all his disability and shortcomings as a murderer and a stutterer yet, God bypassed all to make him the best leader in history after our lord Jesus Christ.
– prayer: Bring forth my hidden ability out of my disability and let your glory fall on me to produce a champion out of me.

David – a consistent and dutiful david was brought to destiny from obscurity.
– prayer: As I consistently serve you lord, though I am not known now, but bring me to divine limelight for divine placement.

Joseph – from dreaming to destiny. Despite all the attempts to bury his destiny which God had revealed to him in a dream. He still attained destiny.
– prayer: every dream killer. Every destiny killer, assigned from the pit of hell, against my rising, be roasted by the fire of the Holy Ghost now!

Gideon – from hiding, from being a nonentity, from a notoriously poor and humble background, a man of velour emerged! That’s your story.
– prayer: Oh God, you are the one that lift up the poor, out of the dung hill of life, and position them among princes. It is my turn to experience such divine lifting.

Jephtah – he became a leader and captain of the people, though an outcast and a product of harlotry.
– prayer: Oh my father, as white pap comes out from a black pot, let me emerge from my inglorious past and background into your divine placement for me.

As we close tonight, we will pray one final prayer:
– Oh God visit my foundation with your fire and root out everything that militate against my glorious destiny.