THE TUSSLE OF THE TWINS – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi – Culled from Pst Adefarasin Paul

Genesis 25:20-27

We want to examine the application of the metaphor.

Ask your neighbour, which of the twins is winning in your world?

You will get to understand that later.

Abraham was getting to the end of his patriarchal life and needed another womb other than Sarah’s womb to carry another patriarchal generation.

That womb was found in Rebekhah.

I want you to pray this morning, Oh God, find me worthy enough to carry the generational blessings for my lineage.

But the problem was she was barren and would not be able to produce the next generation.

Watch it, this was not the first time barrenness would occur in their generation. It happened to Sarah.

But thank God that Isaac was a praying man. He intreated God for his wife.

Can I ask a fundamental, puzzling and somewhat perturbing question?

Why was it that the two major patriarchal mamas had it difficult to conceive? Sarah had it tough to conceive. Rebekhah too.

Could it be because they wanted to give birth to generations?

Are you not sensing ladies and gentlemen that:
– this delay to BREAKTHRU
– this delay to have a husband or a wife
– this delay to get a job
– this delay to experience peace in your home
– this delay in conception
– this delay……this delay…..

Is because you are set to give birth to a miracle?

Finally….Rebekhah took in!

I see you FINALLY taking hold of your destiny. For SURELY there is an end!

After the conception, the children struggled within her.

You have now conceived, yet that’s not the end of the matter! There is an INTERNAL struggle going on.

There are times when what is being seen on the outside is not in sync with what is going on on the inside. She had the evidence of blessing on the outside – PREGNANT. but there is a struggle on the inside.

Who am I talking about this morning?

You look robust on the outside but a gulf of emptiness is on the inside.

The couple sitting side by side looking peaceful on the outside are miles apart on the inside.

Slap your neighbour a hi five and say I can relate with what he is saying.

Most of these internal struggles can not be solved with public prayers. No.

This invisible struggle on the inside can only be solved by earnest agonizing cry in prayer to the Almoghty.

Rebekhah must have struggled with the fact that she is blessed outwardly. But why this so much pain on the inside?

Someone can relate with this.

– I am the head of my office but why am I thus?
– I had a good result from school but no job for 10 years post school
– Handsome but no woman is ready to marry you
– The location of the land is good but the land is barren
– The leper at the beautiful gate….what a contradiction?

We can all relate to this….

The fact remains that Sarah’s birth came easy bc it was one baby. But Rebekhah was carrying two nations – not children. Nations!

So every time you have to conceive and deliver two nations of a blessing, you gat to have struggles within.

And that’s ok.

The struggle of the twins started from the womb but continued all thru their lives.


The older twin is the one that comes from the natural birth.
The younger twin came from the spirit world when you got born again.

So, there will always be a contention.

The fllesh is the older twin – and has been around for so long! Carnal and devilish.

The spirit is the younger twin and he is good and godly.

The point is, who wins this battle?

The point again is that that is why the things you hate to do, that’s what you do.

Paul says o what a miserable man am I ? The things I want to do, I do not. The things I don’t want to do that I do. Romans 7:15-24.

Read the message bible Romans 7:15-end, 8:1-8.

These two guys are living together in the same body. And, who comes out first determines who wins the battle. This is where the struggle lies.

Sometimes, the good guy in you makes the proposal to marry a lady. talks well and behaves politely. Then, along the line, the bad guy shows up to mess you up with fornication.


Only one person can help out here – cause I need to deal with this other guy. Cause every time God wants to bless me, he is trying to mess me. When I try to be good, he wants to do bad.

Only life on God’s term can help us win this battle.

AND WHAT IS GOD’s TERM? What was God’s prophecy?

The older brother will serve the younger. So, your flesh will serve your spirit!

Can I hear a big Amen in the house.

Let us pray that God will help you win the battle of supremacy of the spirit over the flesh.

Romans 13:14 – the way out!


1 reply
  1. Abiodun
    Abiodun says:

    what a great message,! tussle of the twin. So, each time we find our self doing things not intentionally, it is the fault of the bad twin. we have to fight him squarely.
    Thanx Daddy


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