
THE GOD OF A SECOND CHANCE – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi


God, will do it again,
Oh yes, He will do it again,
Just, take a look at where you r now
And where you v been
He always comes through for you,
Don’t you know God has not changed,
Don’t you know God as not changed,
You may not know how,
You may not know when,
But He will do it again.

Psalm 126:1-6

This last quarter of the year is to right the wrongs, seize opportunities that we have lost, take back our destinies from the enemy, pursue the goals we failed to achieve, run faster, think better, apply more godly wisdom, pray more, do more and get more!

God is giving us another opportunity to end this year well and on a note of praise.

Let us look at some accounts in the Bible of those who got such opportunities to re- make history.

– committed murder – Exodus 2:11-15
– became a leader – Exodus 3:1-10

– Jephthah was thrust out – Judges 11:1-3
– Jephthah was begged to be a leader – Judges 11:4-11

Saul (Paul)
– Saul the persecutor – Acts 8:3
– Saul (Paul) the changed man – Acts 9:1-6

– Joshua 6:25
– Hebrews 11:31

– Luke 19:1-10

– The calamity of Job – Job 1:1-5, 13-22
– The restoration of Job – Job 42:10-12

– Lazarus died – John 11:1-3, 14
– Lazarus resurrected – John11: 43, 44

– Samson’s fall- Judges 16:5, 17-21
– Samson’s second chance – Judges 16:22-30

We become very woeful students of history if we cannot learn from our past errors or past successes or learn lessons from the rise and fall of others.

And that’s all God is waiting for – ability to look back and make amends.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Ability to REPENT and TURN from…..

It is not over yet with you. No!

As I anoint you this morning, it is an anointing for a GRACEFUL COMEBACK.

It is an anointing to cumulate upon you all that you have lost since you were born.

It is an anointing to make your axe- head float again and your hair grow again.


Let all wicked broadcasters become catalysts to my divine promotion in jesus name!

Let the clock and the time-table of the enemy for my life be destroyed in the name of jesus!

1. Anointing, fall on me…..(2ce)
Let the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me……

2. Oluwa, eyin l’atobiju …(2ce)
Aribiti arabata……

3. To worship you I live….(2ce)
I live to worship you…

Oh oh oh oh oh ….


We have just three months left in 2016.


Text: Numbers 14:28

I will lead us through 3 major turning point prayers and experiences that will be your portion as we enter the last three months of this year.

Let me take it in this order:
– Judah’s story
– Jabez’s story
– Obededom’s story

3. The blessings of Obededom – 2 Samuel 6:1 -12
– you would wonder why an ark that had killed UZZAH would be brought to the house of Obededom!

It was because Obededom was considered a nonentity. An ordinary gateman. 1 Chronicles 15:18. A cursed man. A nincompoop. But hear this, within 90 days his story changed!

This will be your story between now and December this year.

Within 90 days, Obededom became soooo blessed that he became very popular – the rejected stone became the head corner stone. That’s your story.

– the cursed has become the blessed. That’s your story.

– what was meant to kill him turned around to be a blessing. That’s someone’s story.

– the dejected uncelebrated became the REFERENCE point for good!

– within just 90 days, he went from zero to hero. That’s somebody’s story.

2. The blessings of Jabez – 1 Chronicles 4:9,10
– just because her mother gave birth to him in sorrow, should not have placed so much burden on the innocent Jabez. But thank God that prayer changes things! It’s your turn to change your sorry past.
– so what did prayer change? Lets hear the prayers:
– oh that thou wouldst bless me INDEED
– and ENLARGE my coast
– and that thy mightiest KEEP ME FROM EVIL THAT IT MAY NOT GRIEVE ME

……And God GRANTED him that which he REQUESTED!

1. The blessings of Judah – Deuteronomy 33:7

– Hear Lord the voice of Judah. (Pray that God will hear your voice this month of October and grant you your petitions).

– And bring him unto his people. (Pray that God will lead you unto the people that will help you UNTIRINGLY).

– Let his hands be sufficient for him. (Pray that whatever you lay your hands on this month shall prosper).

– And be thou an help to him from his enemies. (Pray that God will help you fight every enemy that will rise up against you this month).

Friends, this quarter left this year, will be to RESTORE to you all the lost months and years of fruitfulness.

As we close,

This month , the voice that parted the Red Sea & brought water out of a rock will open doors of unimaginable blessings for you.

Instead of penury, you will live in divine prosperity.

Your star will shine.

Every unpleasant event of your past shall turn to miracle.

The Spirit that inhabits the praises of His people shall accept your praises today.

Fresh glory shall be your portion.

Accelerated favour shall locate you,

Irreversible success shall be your cloth

Tears of sorrow shall never drop from your eyes.

God will grant you the grace to be sensitive of who really are your enemies & you will be able to overcome them.

Those who present themselves as your friends but are deadly enemies shall be exposed & disgraced in Jesus name.

Have a fruitful month

Abrahamic Covenant Series – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

We r doing a major study/series on this to ENRICH all of us.

Let us begin a series of study on Abrahamic Covenant of blessing.

The truth is that we cannot fulfill God’s commands and mandate effectively without money.

Zechariah 1:17

This ministry needs plenty of money to fulfill its mandate to the rejects in the society – those who r distressed, in debt and discontented – 1 Samuel 22:1, 2.

As a ministry, our primary project is building multi-million high-tech and most-modern rehabilitation centres all across the nations of the earth, fully equipped to cater for the rejects in the society.

This separates us from every other ministry and further propels God to bless us the more.

I am trusting God that what we went thru in our first missionary journey was to prepare us for FABULOUS WEALTH in this new move we r in now.

Psalm 66: 10-12

The least of us will be a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE!

I welcome you to your finest moments on planet earth.

This wealth will come DIVINELY. It will come by PROMISE. It will be a COVENANT-PROVOKING wealth.

We will study how this promise of blessedness on Abraham can become ours.

We often sing : Abraham’s blessings are mine. It is true only to some extent.

You don’t claim Abraham’s blessings without a connection with him.

The question then arises: how can I get connected with him?

Let us go through these scriptures to have a full grasp of God’s mind on this.

Galatians 3:16 – seed, not seeds.

Genesis 12:7 – unto thy seed, not seeds.

Luke 1:55 – to his seed forever

Romans 4:13 – to his seed.

Acts 3:25 – …and his seed,

Which seed is being mentioned here? Isaac? Or who?

Galatians 3:16

This blessing flows along the blood line. You must belong to the family to partake of the family inheritance. See how we can be connected to Abraham’s blessings:

Matthew 1:1-17

Then see how we get grafted in or connected to Abrahamic blessings:

Galatians 3:13, 14.

Through the instrumentality of faith…

The covenant of blessing that we have in Abraham thru Christ CANNOT be dis annulled by ANY law as to make the promise of none effect!

No sir!

Galatians 3:17

It is permanent.

Can we get initiated into this covenant?

Let us rise up on our feet.

You might have done this prayers before, this is a re-kindling of the terms of the covenant.

Lord Jesus, I come to you today,
I invite you afresh into my life,
As my lord and personal saviour,
I turn my back to sin,
I embrace righteousness,
I ask that you baptize me,
Into a covenant relationship with you,
Also, baptize me with Holy Ghost and fire,
I am yours from today,
I am now a co-heir with you,
Thus, Abraham’s blessings become mine.
I am blessed with wealth, health and long life.
Thank you Jesus.



He said Jesus I know. Distinct. Paul I know. Distinct. But who are you?

He would have said I know Jesus and Paul but who are you? – Acts 19:15

He didn’t bunch them together. He saw them as DISTINCT entities.

God was talking about Abraham and He said “I called him alone… And blessed him…” – Isaiah 51:2

In Deuteronomy 32: 12-14; God led Jacob ALONE.

You need to know who you are to know how to REJECT the things that the enemy throws at you. Otherwise, you ACCEPT everything – the good, the bad and the ugly!

For instance, I am not sure i will have too much problem convincing mr Asuquo that he is a man. Will I?


He knows that he knows that he knows that he is a man.

If someone comes to challenge him that he is a woman, it may be a futile effort.

So, if you know your identity in God, why do we fall so easily to the lies of the devil?

But if you refuse to know your original identity in God, the bible recalls that you shall die like men! – Psalm 82:7

What does that tell you? You are not an ORDINARY man or woman. No.

Look at the original blessing episode that took place in Genesis 49. Why did God go through such very detailed description of what is tied to each of the 12 children of isaac’s name? He blessed EACH of them SEPARATELY. He didn’t bunch them together.

Tell yourself I AM UNIQUE.

It is an issue of identity – so that they will not be confused at all as to their mission and expectations on earth. So that if they see anything contrary on their life-journey they can reject and fight it.

The issue of identity is so crucial that Jabez understood it perfectly.

He knew that what his mum called him was not what God called him.

What circumstances surrounding his birth called him was not what God called him.

What his lineage history called him was not what God called him.

So, what did he do? He rebelled against those man-made and situation-made name.

He took his destiny in his hands and fought through prayerfully.

Lets look at the account – 1 Chronicles 4:9,10

Hear this and be instructed: Your assignment on earth and your destiny are tied to your identity.

How do I know this?

Jeremiah 1:4,5,9,10

Your identity was formed before you were conceived in the womb!

It is not a today matter. It has teyed!

Hear this again. Psalm 139:14, 15, 17

For example, before Jesus came on the scene in the New Testament, prophecy had gone ahead of him that his ASSIGNMENT would be to save his people from their sins – Matthew 1:21 and his DESTINY would not be poverty. No! For butter and honey shall he eat….ARISTOCRATIC! Isaiah 7:14, 15. Also Luke 1:31-33.

A songwriter says “ototo la rin wa, Ile aye la pade o”

Meaning: we came from different routes. We only met on earth.

And so, your destiny is not determined by any force here on earth. Not any.

This is crucial for you to know. No witch or wizard or any man or woman can hinder your destiny.


He that did not know how you came or where you came from cannot determine where you are going or your destination or reach in life.

Tell your neighbour – neighbour, you are going far!


– Genesis 1:26, 28
– Psalm 139:14, 15, 1 7
– Rev 5:10

Whatever is contrary to these, FIGHT IT!

You need KNOWLEDGE to fight.

Psalm 82:5,6 – the reason the poor remain poor is because they KNOW NOT.

Hosea 4:6
Isaiah 5:13

Daniel said I understood by books that the 70 years prophesied as their captivity period was almost over, so that helped him to intensify his prayers for their release.



We r going to pray.

1. Reveal the REAL me to me o God.

2. Open the eyes of my understanding to know my identity in you my father.

3. Every covering cast over my mind to make me accept a wrong identity be roasted by fire!

4. I receive spiritual re-energizing to fight the good fight of faith to lay hold on my glorious and enviable destiny..