Prayer and fasting program 2021


Prayer & Fasting Programme for 2021
Duration: 36 days
Dates: Last 3 days of every month in 2021

THEME: OUR YEAR OF 7-FOLD RESTORATION – dated back to seven years!

Let me give you the vision of what the ideal 2021 will be so that it will be the picture of what to expect no matter what the enemy tries.

Deuteronomy 11:10-16

Deuteronomy 8:7-18

Deuteronomy 14:1,2

Definition of “Sevenfold”

The word “sevenfold” carries the number 7. The number 7 appears very frequently in the Bible and the word “sevenfold” appears 6 times in the Bible.

The word “sevenfold” like the number 7 represents FULL, COMPLETE, PERFECT.

So when the Bible talks about “sevenfold payback”, it is referring to a FULL, COMPLETE AND PERFECT PAYBACK/COMPENSATION.

Joel 2:25

All the years…..up to 7 years back……God says He will give to us the last 7 years misses, near-successes, disappointments, losses, demotions, health challenges, failures, financial challenges and debts etc… 7-fold recoveries and restoration.

How did He point this out to me?

Proverbs 6:30, 31

There are many things that are stolen from us as believers in Jesus Christ, many times without us even knowing it. The Bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus has come that we might receive life and more abundantly (John 10:10).

Sometimes the thief comes to steal our joy, peace, health, finances, relationships and so forth. Sometimes, you may have dreams of losing things and it manifests in the natural realm. The question then is, how do we get those things back?

It is by DEMAND and DECREES.

Thou shall DECREE a thing and IT SHALL be established – Job 22:28

Year 2020 stole from us.

Stole our freedom, stole lives, stole blessings, stole jobs, stole peace, stole marriages, stole businesses and careers, academics, stole cars and houses…..all that ought to come to us in 2020 but which were denied us were stolen by 2020,

So, 2020 is a thief that was caught and it must repay 7-fold to each of us what it has stolen.

Begin to demand now from 2020 what it stole. Also, we are getting back in 7-fold all that the enemy stole from us since 7 years back.

7-fold recoveries and restoration of freedom, lives, blessings, jobs, peace, marriages, businesses and careers,
academics, cars and houses etc…

Let us look at another wonderful scripture that promises  us 7-fold restoration.

Psalm 79: 12…. Return sevenfold into the laps of our neighbours the taunts which they have taunted you O God.

Genesis 4:15 – no matter your misconducts as a child of God, your Cain is not in the hands of your enemies. Whoever tries it will receive seven-fold punishment from God.

I welcome you to your 7-fold restoration and recoveries.

Pastor Folami Fawehinmi,
Senior Pastor.

Prayer points
Day 1 – Friday January 29, 2021
Texts – Psalm 103:1-5; Proverbs 3:6; Psalm 119:133; Psalm 37:23; Romans 8:14, Deuteronomy 11:10:16

– thank God for seeing us through a very turbulent 2020.
– thank God for invisible victories.
– thank God for your life and family.
– pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit everyday of this year. That your steps will be ordered by The Lord.
– this year, The Lord will care for me specially. I will possess my possessions and the devil will not cheat me. Pray.
– in this year 2021, my blessings will meet me at the right time…due season. Pray.
– pray that God will send all you will need to feed, to clothe, to prosper in 2021. No lack at all.
– pray that you will not be deceived to follow man-made god this year. God will be more than enough to seek after.

Day 2- Saturday January 30, 2021
Texts – Joel 2-23-25, Proverbs 6:30,31, Jeremiah 5:24, Psalm 79:2, Ezekiel 21:27.

– I command a 7-fold restoration of all my losses and misses dated back to 7 years now in Jesus name. Pray.
– you worms of destruction – whatever is your prefix – Palmer, canker or earth….or even locusts, from this evening I clear you off my harvest by fire. Pray.
– this year, those laughing me to scorn shall witness my testimony and elevation in the name of Jesus. Pray.
– those who wrote me off as a never-do well, will soon be at my mercy for survival in Jesus name.
– this year, God will unseat and overturn all those occupying my seat of prosperity, honour and all-round comfort. Pray.
– all my hanging and delayed breakthroughs, locate me now by fire!!!!

Day 3 – January 31, 2021
Texts- Proverbs 4:18, Psalm 40:1,2, Deuteronomy 1:6,8, Psalm 23:6,

– every evil power, holding my destiny down, I command your determined end in Jesus Mighty name.
– Father, let the power of resurrection go into every prison encasing my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
– Father,  let all my buried glory begin to shine again in the name of Jesus.
– Lord, release your resurrection power and life into me, in the name of Jesus.
– I command every stronghold of Satan holding me bound on one spot for years be pulled down in the name of Jesus.
– Father, let all my buried glory begin to shine again in the name of Jesus.
– Every chain, rope and link tying me down to the same spot of failure, frustration, backwardness, poverty, sickness and debt break NOW! In the mighty name of Jesus.
– I reverse every satanic decree against my advancement and progress in life in the name of Jesus.
– I throw confusion into the camp of my enemies who are working against my marching forward
– I separate myself from anyone or anything that the devil is using to make me go round the circle, pack your load and go in the name of Jesus.

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