God has reserved money and the wealth of the sinner for His harvest in the last days. Money has a mission and it is crying out to be in the hands of the righteous and not the wicked. This end time transfer of wealth into the Body of Christ has already started. As we understand what God has promised in His Word to the harvesting generation and begin to believe Him both individually and corporately for our part in this transfer, this wealth will increasingly find and overtake us for we know its purpose: to establish God’s Covenant in the earth [Deut. 8:18; Jas. 5:1-8. See The Coming Events In Bible Prophecy].

Joseph in Egypt: through seven years of great prosperity followed by seven years of great famine, the wealth of Egypt and the world was brought into the hands of Joseph [Gen. 47:13-26]

The reason God did what He did in Egypt by transferring all the wealth of the Egyptians to Israelites in Exodus 12:35,36 was to show us physically, what He planned to do this end-time.

The coming wealth transfer is getting very close!

Jeremiah 30:21 – nobles within us.

John 6:9 – there is a LAD not a full-grown man here….that holds the key to the solution of this church – financially. There is a LAD here. This is prophetic.

Obadiah 17- end

The basis for our wealth as believers – Romans 8:32

The wealth of the sinners are laid up for the just …..- Proverbs 13:22

To heap up and to gather and to leave them for those who help the needy…..Ecclesiastes 2:26

The forces of the Gentiles shall come unto me….Isaiah 60:5

Isaiah 45:14….the Gentiles shall be subject unto me….they will come to me with all their merchandise, and it will be mine….they will follow me as prisoners in chain…..they will fall before me on their knees and say ‘God is with you and He is the only God’.

Isaiah 61:5….Foreigners will be your servants. They will feed your flocks and plow your fields and tender your vine yards.

Give me this mountain…..Caleb….joshua 14:12

I HAVE GIVEN unto you EVERY herb …..Genesis 1:29

God HAS GIVEN unto us ALL THINGS that pertaineth unto life and godliness..2 Peter 1:3

That ye may know that which has been FREELY GIVEN unto you….1 Corinthians 2:12

The bible says give and it shall be given unto you…..this condition is also crucial in taking what belongs to us…..Luke 6:38

Revelation 1:6; 5:10…. We r made priests and kings and to reign on the earth. For most parts we know how to be priests but we don’t know how to be kings.
Priests serve God and receive revelations from heaven. But kings financed the ministry and the vision of the priests..

The Cyrus encounter. Isaiah 45:1-3.

The moral to all I have taught us tonight is that we MUST shun SIN in its ENTIRETY and be OUTSTANDINGLY RIGHTEOUS to escape the looming punishment of sinners ( Gentiles ) and attract the wealth laid up for us by them.


1. My father, my father, help me to be righteous altogether and shun sin in its entirety, in jesus name.

2. Wealth of the Gentiles, locate me in jesus name.

3. Father, endue me with incredible and baffling Favour that will cause the wealth of sinners to be converted unto me in jesus name

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