I AM GOD’s BATTLE AXE AND WEAPON OF WAR – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi
Song: Egyptians are not God in my life –
– Jeremiah 51:20-23
God will teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight.
– Psalm 144:1
So, Ab initio, God wants me to be an active participant in this war. Even though, He WILL fight the battle and i will hold my peace; nonetheless, He must fight the battle with weapons.
Holding your peace in this context means that you are not the strategist. You are not to bother your head how the battle will be fought and won. That is God’s business not yours.
And guess what – YOU AND I ARE THE WEAPONS!
The bible says the weapons of our warfare are mighty..2 Corinthians 10:4..When God decides to use you as a weapon, you become MIGHTY in His hands.
May God use somebody here tonight.
Isaiah 41:14-16- God said He has made me a sharp threshing instrument….
Why this battle by the way? And why use me as His weapon of war?
With the intent to do two major things:
1. Deal deadly blows at the devil and his cohorts and thus wreck havoc in the kingdom of darkness.
2. Bring down the glory of God and His presence for gifts and manifestation of the Holy Spirit that will result into great penitence/repentance from sins/ evil works – with sober weeping unto salvation and receiving the FULLNESS of the Holy Spirit.
Example the Hindu girls that prayed.
The first is to DE-POPULATE as it were the kingdom of darkness.
The latter is to POPULATE the kingdom of God and expand His territories.
Now hear this:
If David could win EVERY battle when Jesus and the Holy Spirit had not yet manifested, I stand a far better chance to win the devil now.
With Jesus’ victory on the cross of Calvary, already secured, this is a battle from victory to victory. Moreover, I have power, help and guidance of the Holy Spirit so what am I waiting for?
All weapons don’t perform the same way in the hands of a great warrior.
A warrior has preference for some weapons over the others. True or false?
There are one or two weapons out of many that a great warrior is very comfortable with above others.
David was one such highly performing weapon in the hand of our Father -God. But must he be the only one who falls into that category? Why not me?
The thing again is, the more God uses you in battles the more your profile rises.
The questions are:
1. How READILY AVAILABLE am i for God’s use?
2. How effective and lethal and sharp am i as a weapon?
3. When God uses me to do battle, will He and His kingdom not suffer much casualties? Or will He triumph in war as He uses you?
These are very deep and penetrating soul- searching questions that beg for answer.
The answer to these questions will determine how READILY God uses a man or a woman.
The more He uses you, the more glory you carry.
Remember the donkey that jesus rode on.
But, the interesting part of this is: it is left to the weapon to request from the trinity to be sharpened. The trinity will not force any weapon to be sharpened. It is up to me and you to present ourselves to the trinity for sharpening – thru Bible reading/study, fasting, prayers, meditations, evangelism, fellowships etc……
Herein lies the UNDOING of most people.
But I challenge you today to present yourself as a ready weapon in the hands of your father-God.
When you get to this point, no adversary can mess you up, but God is with you.
Jeremiah 20:11.
Song: If you can use anything Lord, you can use me.
Let us pray.
1. Let all the affairs of my life be too hot for any evil power to manipulate in the name of Jesus.
2. As The Lord confused the tongues of the builders of Tower of Babel; let my adversaries go into irresolvable confusion in jesus name.
3. Oh Lord, make me a sharp threshing instrument with teeth to devour all my adversaries.
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