Abrahamic Covenant Series – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

We r doing a major study/series on this to ENRICH all of us.

Let us begin a series of study on Abrahamic Covenant of blessing.

The truth is that we cannot fulfill God’s commands and mandate effectively without money.

Zechariah 1:17

This ministry needs plenty of money to fulfill its mandate to the rejects in the society – those who r distressed, in debt and discontented – 1 Samuel 22:1, 2.

As a ministry, our primary project is building multi-million high-tech and most-modern rehabilitation centres all across the nations of the earth, fully equipped to cater for the rejects in the society.

This separates us from every other ministry and further propels God to bless us the more.

I am trusting God that what we went thru in our first missionary journey was to prepare us for FABULOUS WEALTH in this new move we r in now.

Psalm 66: 10-12

The least of us will be a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE!

I welcome you to your finest moments on planet earth.

This wealth will come DIVINELY. It will come by PROMISE. It will be a COVENANT-PROVOKING wealth.

We will study how this promise of blessedness on Abraham can become ours.

We often sing : Abraham’s blessings are mine. It is true only to some extent.

You don’t claim Abraham’s blessings without a connection with him.

The question then arises: how can I get connected with him?

Let us go through these scriptures to have a full grasp of God’s mind on this.

Galatians 3:16 – seed, not seeds.

Genesis 12:7 – unto thy seed, not seeds.

Luke 1:55 – to his seed forever

Romans 4:13 – to his seed.

Acts 3:25 – …and his seed,

Which seed is being mentioned here? Isaac? Or who?

Galatians 3:16

This blessing flows along the blood line. You must belong to the family to partake of the family inheritance. See how we can be connected to Abraham’s blessings:

Matthew 1:1-17

Then see how we get grafted in or connected to Abrahamic blessings:

Galatians 3:13, 14.

Through the instrumentality of faith…

The covenant of blessing that we have in Abraham thru Christ CANNOT be dis annulled by ANY law as to make the promise of none effect!

No sir!

Galatians 3:17

It is permanent.

Can we get initiated into this covenant?

Let us rise up on our feet.

You might have done this prayers before, this is a re-kindling of the terms of the covenant.

Lord Jesus, I come to you today,
I invite you afresh into my life,
As my lord and personal saviour,
I turn my back to sin,
I embrace righteousness,
I ask that you baptize me,
Into a covenant relationship with you,
Also, baptize me with Holy Ghost and fire,
I am yours from today,
I am now a co-heir with you,
Thus, Abraham’s blessings become mine.
I am blessed with wealth, health and long life.
Thank you Jesus.


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