It’s our month of possessing our possessions – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

Deuteronomy 1:1-11

The month of November is a turning point month for every member of this ministry.

– from loneliness to companionship
– from lack to abundance
– from reproach to celebration
– from mourning to dancing
– from poverty to prosperity
– denial to possessing all things
– from joblessness to gainful employment
– from fear to faith
– from captivity to freedom.

Shall we pray all these and more down upon us this month?

The Lord will deliver every one of us from the spirit of stagnation. God said we have compassed this mountain long enough…..But from now on there will be a TURNING…..

– from today it will be higher conquest.
– it will be possessing ALL your possessions

I see that this month – THE PENULTIMATE MONTH TO THE END OF 2016 – will be double blessing for us @ FHIM…

Psalm 102:13 our potion. Our TIME and our TURN have come…..

There is a difference btw TIME and TURN

Time is expansive. A period. Turn is a point.

May I announce to somebody here that you are at your POINT of BREAKTHRU….your point of possessing your possessions by divine arrangement.

Zechariah 1:7,16,17

May God return to us with mercies and prosperity.


Obadiah 17 as we close.



God has reserved money and the wealth of the sinner for His harvest in the last days. Money has a mission and it is crying out to be in the hands of the righteous and not the wicked. This end time transfer of wealth into the Body of Christ has already started. As we understand what God has promised in His Word to the harvesting generation and begin to believe Him both individually and corporately for our part in this transfer, this wealth will increasingly find and overtake us for we know its purpose: to establish God’s Covenant in the earth [Deut. 8:18; Jas. 5:1-8. See The Coming Events In Bible Prophecy].

Joseph in Egypt: through seven years of great prosperity followed by seven years of great famine, the wealth of Egypt and the world was brought into the hands of Joseph [Gen. 47:13-26]

The reason God did what He did in Egypt by transferring all the wealth of the Egyptians to Israelites in Exodus 12:35,36 was to show us physically, what He planned to do this end-time.

The coming wealth transfer is getting very close!

Jeremiah 30:21 – nobles within us.

John 6:9 – there is a LAD not a full-grown man here….that holds the key to the solution of this church – financially. There is a LAD here. This is prophetic.

Obadiah 17- end

The basis for our wealth as believers – Romans 8:32

The wealth of the sinners are laid up for the just …..- Proverbs 13:22

To heap up and to gather and to leave them for those who help the needy…..Ecclesiastes 2:26

The forces of the Gentiles shall come unto me….Isaiah 60:5

Isaiah 45:14….the Gentiles shall be subject unto me….they will come to me with all their merchandise, and it will be mine….they will follow me as prisoners in chain…..they will fall before me on their knees and say ‘God is with you and He is the only God’.

Isaiah 61:5….Foreigners will be your servants. They will feed your flocks and plow your fields and tender your vine yards.

Give me this mountain…..Caleb….joshua 14:12

I HAVE GIVEN unto you EVERY herb …..Genesis 1:29

God HAS GIVEN unto us ALL THINGS that pertaineth unto life and godliness..2 Peter 1:3

That ye may know that which has been FREELY GIVEN unto you….1 Corinthians 2:12

The bible says give and it shall be given unto you…..this condition is also crucial in taking what belongs to us…..Luke 6:38

Revelation 1:6; 5:10…. We r made priests and kings and to reign on the earth. For most parts we know how to be priests but we don’t know how to be kings.
Priests serve God and receive revelations from heaven. But kings financed the ministry and the vision of the priests..

The Cyrus encounter. Isaiah 45:1-3.

The moral to all I have taught us tonight is that we MUST shun SIN in its ENTIRETY and be OUTSTANDINGLY RIGHTEOUS to escape the looming punishment of sinners ( Gentiles ) and attract the wealth laid up for us by them.


1. My father, my father, help me to be righteous altogether and shun sin in its entirety, in jesus name.

2. Wealth of the Gentiles, locate me in jesus name.

3. Father, endue me with incredible and baffling Favour that will cause the wealth of sinners to be converted unto me in jesus name


Let me start this discourse from Acts 17:22, 23 and 27, 28

Some Christians operate completely from points of ignorance of God outrightly.

A number of Christians on the other hand operate in the anointing.

However, very very negligible percentage – less than 1% operate in GLORY.

But for a while now, God has been pointing my attention to HIS GLORY.

He kept telling me that GLORY cannot be equated or compared to ANOINTING. Just like COVENANT cannot be compared with PRAYER.

What is the difference between anointing and glory?

In anointing, I receive a special grace to do things for God. That is, I am being used by God to do special things for God. But in glory, God does fearful things by Himself!

For example, in the anointing, David cut off the head of Goliath. But in glory, the Goliath cannot even come at all!

In the anointing. You can exercise your Freewill, but in the glory you operate strictly by instructions. Eg Moses being told when to lead the people out and when to stay indoors – in line with the position of the cloud of glory and speaking to the rock etc

In the anointing, the visitation of God’s power is not mass but at most several individuals. But in the glory. It is mass visitation of God’s uncommon power.

In the glory, obedience is more strict than in the anointing.

In the anointing the priest ministers. But when the glory comes, the priest ceases from ministering and God takes over.

Waiting on God is more in the glory than in the anointing.


David was a spectacular example of one who operated in the anointing. God decked him with so much anointing. So, God used him to fight many battles and he prevailed.

Moses on the other hand, is a classic example of one who operated in the glory of God. God, by Himself did very fearful things.

You remember that Moses told God that if your MANIFEST PRESENCE – GLORY go not with us, carry us not hence from here.

Moses had anointing, but to confront the kind of enemy that could hold a people in captivity or bondage for 400 years cannot be dealt with just by the anointing. No. It can ONLY be by the GLORY.

Desire God’s glory more than the anointing.

Let us examine a very oft- repeated and CORNERSTONE prayer that can meet ALL needs.

– Philippians 4:19

But my God shall SUPPLY all my needs according to His riches in GLORY by Christ Jesus.

Everything groovy is in the GLORY!

Even defence from harm and sicknesses or diseases is in the GLORY!
– Isaiah 4:5

You don’t have to start using faith to cast out devils and spirit of infirmities etc in the glory. No. They don’t come near you AT ALL because you are DEFENDED BY THE GLORY.

Psalm 91:1-end is what you experience in the GLORY.

What glory represents.
Genesis 45:13
Psalm 21:1-end

As I close,

Let me open our eyes to something in 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. The glory that excels.

If all that I shared with you sounded so great, then you can imagine if there is still another higher level of glory!

The point is, both David and Moses- our references for anointing and glory respectively, operated before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What then do you think the glory would look like with the addition of GRACE?

It’s like this: Under the Old Testament, it was a dispensation of law. Yet it was glorious because the law revealed what the human problem actually is – SIN.

However, grace is much more glorious because it provided a remedy for the sin problem – Jesus Christ. Romans 5:20-21.

Dear Lord of glory, I thank you for the glory of your law, revealing my sin problem. Yet I praise you even more for the glory of your grace, providing a remedy for my sin. Lord, as I humbly feed on your holy scriptures, may the excelling glory of your triumphant grace, impart increasing righteousness into my daily life, through Jesus my Lord. Amen!

I AM GOD’s BATTLE AXE AND WEAPON OF WAR – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi

Song: Egyptians are not God in my life –

– Jeremiah 51:20-23

God will teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight.
– Psalm 144:1

So, Ab initio, God wants me to be an active participant in this war. Even though, He WILL fight the battle and i will hold my peace; nonetheless, He must fight the battle with weapons.

Holding your peace in this context means that you are not the strategist. You are not to bother your head how the battle will be fought and won. That is God’s business not yours.

And guess what – YOU AND I ARE THE WEAPONS!

The bible says the weapons of our warfare are mighty..2 Corinthians 10:4..When God decides to use you as a weapon, you become MIGHTY in His hands.

May God use somebody here tonight.

Isaiah 41:14-16- God said He has made me a sharp threshing instrument….

Why this battle by the way? And why use me as His weapon of war?

With the intent to do two major things:
1. Deal deadly blows at the devil and his cohorts and thus wreck havoc in the kingdom of darkness.

2. Bring down the glory of God and His presence for gifts and manifestation of the Holy Spirit that will result into great penitence/repentance from sins/ evil works – with sober weeping unto salvation and receiving the FULLNESS of the Holy Spirit.

Example the Hindu girls that prayed.

The first is to DE-POPULATE as it were the kingdom of darkness.

The latter is to POPULATE the kingdom of God and expand His territories.

Now hear this:
If David could win EVERY battle when Jesus and the Holy Spirit had not yet manifested, I stand a far better chance to win the devil now.

With Jesus’ victory on the cross of Calvary, already secured, this is a battle from victory to victory. Moreover, I have power, help and guidance of the Holy Spirit so what am I waiting for?

All weapons don’t perform the same way in the hands of a great warrior.

A warrior has preference for some weapons over the others. True or false?

There are one or two weapons out of many that a great warrior is very comfortable with above others.

David was one such highly performing weapon in the hand of our Father -God. But must he be the only one who falls into that category? Why not me?

The thing again is, the more God uses you in battles the more your profile rises.

The questions are:
1. How READILY AVAILABLE am i for God’s use?
2. How effective and lethal and sharp am i as a weapon?
3. When God uses me to do battle, will He and His kingdom not suffer much casualties? Or will He triumph in war as He uses you?

These are very deep and penetrating soul- searching questions that beg for answer.

The answer to these questions will determine how READILY God uses a man or a woman.

The more He uses you, the more glory you carry.
Remember the donkey that jesus rode on.

But, the interesting part of this is: it is left to the weapon to request from the trinity to be sharpened. The trinity will not force any weapon to be sharpened. It is up to me and you to present ourselves to the trinity for sharpening – thru Bible reading/study, fasting, prayers, meditations, evangelism, fellowships etc……

Herein lies the UNDOING of most people.

But I challenge you today to present yourself as a ready weapon in the hands of your father-God.

When you get to this point, no adversary can mess you up, but God is with you.

Jeremiah 20:11.

Song: If you can use anything Lord, you can use me.

Let us pray.

1. Let all the affairs of my life be too hot for any evil power to manipulate in the name of Jesus.

2. As The Lord confused the tongues of the builders of Tower of Babel; let my adversaries go into irresolvable confusion in jesus name.

3. Oh Lord, make me a sharp threshing instrument with teeth to devour all my adversaries.

THE TUSSLE OF THE TWINS – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi – Culled from Pst Adefarasin Paul

Genesis 25:20-27

We want to examine the application of the metaphor.

Ask your neighbour, which of the twins is winning in your world?

You will get to understand that later.

Abraham was getting to the end of his patriarchal life and needed another womb other than Sarah’s womb to carry another patriarchal generation.

That womb was found in Rebekhah.

I want you to pray this morning, Oh God, find me worthy enough to carry the generational blessings for my lineage.

But the problem was she was barren and would not be able to produce the next generation.

Watch it, this was not the first time barrenness would occur in their generation. It happened to Sarah.

But thank God that Isaac was a praying man. He intreated God for his wife.

Can I ask a fundamental, puzzling and somewhat perturbing question?

Why was it that the two major patriarchal mamas had it difficult to conceive? Sarah had it tough to conceive. Rebekhah too.

Could it be because they wanted to give birth to generations?

Are you not sensing ladies and gentlemen that:
– this delay to BREAKTHRU
– this delay to have a husband or a wife
– this delay to get a job
– this delay to experience peace in your home
– this delay in conception
– this delay……this delay…..

Is because you are set to give birth to a miracle?

Finally….Rebekhah took in!

I see you FINALLY taking hold of your destiny. For SURELY there is an end!

After the conception, the children struggled within her.

You have now conceived, yet that’s not the end of the matter! There is an INTERNAL struggle going on.

There are times when what is being seen on the outside is not in sync with what is going on on the inside. She had the evidence of blessing on the outside – PREGNANT. but there is a struggle on the inside.

Who am I talking about this morning?

You look robust on the outside but a gulf of emptiness is on the inside.

The couple sitting side by side looking peaceful on the outside are miles apart on the inside.

Slap your neighbour a hi five and say I can relate with what he is saying.

Most of these internal struggles can not be solved with public prayers. No.

This invisible struggle on the inside can only be solved by earnest agonizing cry in prayer to the Almoghty.

Rebekhah must have struggled with the fact that she is blessed outwardly. But why this so much pain on the inside?

Someone can relate with this.

– I am the head of my office but why am I thus?
– I had a good result from school but no job for 10 years post school
– Handsome but no woman is ready to marry you
– The location of the land is good but the land is barren
– The leper at the beautiful gate….what a contradiction?

We can all relate to this….

The fact remains that Sarah’s birth came easy bc it was one baby. But Rebekhah was carrying two nations – not children. Nations!

So every time you have to conceive and deliver two nations of a blessing, you gat to have struggles within.

And that’s ok.

The struggle of the twins started from the womb but continued all thru their lives.


The older twin is the one that comes from the natural birth.
The younger twin came from the spirit world when you got born again.

So, there will always be a contention.

The fllesh is the older twin – and has been around for so long! Carnal and devilish.

The spirit is the younger twin and he is good and godly.

The point is, who wins this battle?

The point again is that that is why the things you hate to do, that’s what you do.

Paul says o what a miserable man am I ? The things I want to do, I do not. The things I don’t want to do that I do. Romans 7:15-24.

Read the message bible Romans 7:15-end, 8:1-8.

These two guys are living together in the same body. And, who comes out first determines who wins the battle. This is where the struggle lies.
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