THE GOD OF A SECOND CHANCE – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi


God, will do it again,
Oh yes, He will do it again,
Just, take a look at where you r now
And where you v been
He always comes through for you,
Don’t you know God has not changed,
Don’t you know God as not changed,
You may not know how,
You may not know when,
But He will do it again.

Psalm 126:1-6

This last quarter of the year is to right the wrongs, seize opportunities that we have lost, take back our destinies from the enemy, pursue the goals we failed to achieve, run faster, think better, apply more godly wisdom, pray more, do more and get more!

God is giving us another opportunity to end this year well and on a note of praise.

Let us look at some accounts in the Bible of those who got such opportunities to re- make history.

– committed murder – Exodus 2:11-15
– became a leader – Exodus 3:1-10

– Jephthah was thrust out – Judges 11:1-3
– Jephthah was begged to be a leader – Judges 11:4-11

Saul (Paul)
– Saul the persecutor – Acts 8:3
– Saul (Paul) the changed man – Acts 9:1-6

– Joshua 6:25
– Hebrews 11:31

– Luke 19:1-10

– The calamity of Job – Job 1:1-5, 13-22
– The restoration of Job – Job 42:10-12

– Lazarus died – John 11:1-3, 14
– Lazarus resurrected – John11: 43, 44

– Samson’s fall- Judges 16:5, 17-21
– Samson’s second chance – Judges 16:22-30

We become very woeful students of history if we cannot learn from our past errors or past successes or learn lessons from the rise and fall of others.

And that’s all God is waiting for – ability to look back and make amends.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Ability to REPENT and TURN from…..

It is not over yet with you. No!

As I anoint you this morning, it is an anointing for a GRACEFUL COMEBACK.

It is an anointing to cumulate upon you all that you have lost since you were born.

It is an anointing to make your axe- head float again and your hair grow again.


Let all wicked broadcasters become catalysts to my divine promotion in jesus name!

Let the clock and the time-table of the enemy for my life be destroyed in the name of jesus!

1. Anointing, fall on me…..(2ce)
Let the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me……

2. Oluwa, eyin l’atobiju …(2ce)
Aribiti arabata……

3. To worship you I live….(2ce)
I live to worship you…

Oh oh oh oh oh ….