PREVAILING IN PRAYERS – Pastor Folami Fawehinmi
We prevail in prayers through and in the name of our lord Jesus Christ –
Acts 4:12.
Philippians 2:9-11
Bible says we r MORE than conqueror through him that loved us.
Colossians 1:13-19
Colossians 2:3, 10, 14, 15
As we gather this evening, may the name of jesus give us access into the throne-room of God to receive our hearts desire.
How do we prevail in prayer?
Psalm 37:4 – God answers desires. Burning desires.
We prevail in prayers when we have hot desires that provoke God. Our grieves that consume us tunes our spirits to the frequency of God’s grief and by so doing our demands become God’s burning need too.
Example here is Hannah’s prayer for a man-child. God too was looking for a man child that will be the prophet to replace Eli.
Deep calling unto deep – Psalm 42:7
1 Samuel 1:6-15
Same with Elijah who longed soo much for the eradication of wickedness in the land – a desire God Himself was wishing dearly for and so the answer came in 1 Kings 18:36-38
We prevail in prayer when our desires are fervent and consuming. The bible says the EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER of the righteous availeth much – James 5:16
1. Let my fervently hot desires coincide with your expectations o lord. And let these desires be granted me.
2. In this seventh month of the year, grant me rest from hard labour in jesus name.
3. Oh Lord, in this month, let me be a reference point of divine blessing in jesus name.